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  • Some trees on a site warrant special consideration and encouragement for preservation. These trees are referred to as specimen trees.

    The following criteria are used to identify specimen trees. Both the size and condition criteria must be met for a tree to qualify.

    Size Criteria
    Overstory trees: 24" DBH or larger
    Understory trees: 10" DBH or larger


    Condition Criteria

    Life expectancy of greater than 15 years

    Relatively sound and solid trunk with no extensive decay

    No more than one major and several minor dead limbs

    No major insect or pathological problem

    As determined by county arborist


    Pines species do not qualify as specimen trees.

    In order to encourage the preservation of specimen trees and the incorporation of these trees into the design of projects, additional density credit will be given for specimen trees which are successfully saved by a design feature specifically designated for such purpose. Credit for any specimen tree thus saved would be four times the assigned unit value shown in Appendix C - Table A. To qualify, these trees must be within or directly adjacent to the developable areas of the site. Specimen Trees which lie inside areas already protected, such as buffers, wetlands or open space areas shall not receive extra density credit.

    Considering every development site and situation will be different, specimen tree preservation cannot be expressed as a formula, but is a required design criteria. If the tree preservation plan submitted for a development site does not incorporate design features to preserve specimen trees, an alternate site design may be required.

    To ensure that preservation of specimen trees is afforded a high priority, the alternate design features may include revised building designs and locations, parking lot designs and locations and also infrastructure modifications.

    While it is understood that all specimen trees cannot be preserved in a development, this program will be closely examined on every project prior to approval of any and all site plans. In this connection, the remaining specimen trees on site, which are allowed to be removed, will require recompense planting equaling two times their density unit value in Appendix C - Table A. Specimen trees must be replaced by species with potentials for comparable size and quality. Specimen recompense trees must be a minimum four-inch caliper at the time of planting.

    If a specimen tree is to be removed, a plan or written documentation indicating the reason for the removal must be submitted to the arborist.

    In addition to the penalties addressed in subection of this ordinance, any specimen tree which is removed without the appropriate review and approval of the arborist must be replaced by trees with a total density of eight times the unit value of the tree removed. Size alone will determine whether a tree was of specimen quality if the tree is removed without approval and there is no evidence of its condition.

(Ord. No. 2008-Z-001, 1-15-08)