§ 11.4. Definitions.  

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  • Words and phrases used in this article have the meanings defined in this section. In addition, words and phrases not defined in this section, but defined in the Zoning Ordinance of the county shall be given the meanings as set forth in such ordinance.

    Abandoned sign. A sign and/or sign structure without copy area for more than 30 days and/or which requires maintenance and repairs in excess of 25 percent of the replacement cost of the sign.

    Advertising device. Any structure or device situated on or attached to real property that is erected or intended for the purpose of calling the attention of the public.

    Air and gas filled device. Any sign using, either wholly or in part, forced air or other gas as a means of supporting its structure.

    Animated illumination or effects means illumination or effects with action, moving characters or flashing lights. This may require electrical energy, but shall also include wind actuated devices. Specifically included is any motion picture or video mechanism used in conjunction with any outdoor advertising structure in such a manner as to permit or allow the images to be visible from any public right of way. This definition does not include electronic message signs as permitted within this article.

    Animated sign. Any sign that all or any part thereof visibly moves or imitates movement in any fashion whatsoever. Any sign that contains or uses for illumination any lights (or lighting devices) that change color, flash or alternate, show movement or motion, or change the appearance of said sign or any part automatically, including any electronic sign which contains anything other than static messages or changes its message more often than permitted by this ordinance. This includes flashing, moving, and revolving signs.

    Area of sign (copy area). The area within a continuous perimeter enclosing the limits of writing, representation, emblem, or any figure of similar character together with any frame, other material, open space, or color forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate such sign from the background against which it is placed.

    Banner. A sign hung either with or without a frame, possessing characters, letters, illustrations, or ornamentation applied to paper, plastic, or fabric of any kind.

    Beacon. Any light with one or more beams directed into the atmosphere or directed at one or more points not on the same zone lot as the light source; also, any light with one or more beams that rotate or move.

    Bench sign. A sign located on any part of the surface of a bench or seat placed on or adjacent to a public right-of-way.

    Billboards. Freestanding signs or structures for the display of advertisements in public places or highways. All regulations relating to freestanding signs shall apply.

    Building sign. Any sign attached to any part of a building other than a freestanding sign.

    Canopy sign. A sign affixed to, imposed upon, or painted on any roof-like structure either permanently or temporarily extended over a sidewalk or walkway, which can be mounted flush or suspended. A flush canopy sign is one that is mounted in such a manner that a continuous plane with the canopy is formed. A hanging canopy sign is one suspended from beneath the canopy.

    Copy. The wording or graphics on a sign surface in either permanent or removable form.

    Development entrance sign. A sign located on either side of an intersection of the driveway, road or entryway of a residential major subdivision or a multi-family development, or a commercial/industrial development, with a county maintained road or state route.

    Distance. The measurement in linear feet from the closest point of a sign to the nearest property line or to the closest point of another sign, as the case may be.

    Double faced (back-to-back) sign. A sign with two parallel, or nearly parallel faces, back-to-back and located not more than 24 inches from each other.

    Electronic sign. A sign whose message may be changed at intervals by computer controller, microprocessor controller or remote control, and whose message is displayed through the use of LED, LCD, plasma or other similar type of panels or screens, including devices known as commercial electronic message signs and similar devices.

    Erect. To build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend, paint or affix.

    Establishment. A commercial, industrial, institutional, educational, office, business [or] financial entity.

    Flag. Any fabric, banner, bunting or other flexible material containing distinctive colors, patterns, standards, words, or symbols.

    Flagpole. A permanently anchored pole on which a flag is hoisted and displayed.

    Flashing. A pattern of changing light illumination where the light intensity alternates suddenly during display of a message for the purpose of drawing attention to the sign. The term "flashing" excludes electronic signs operated in conformity with this ordinance.

    Frame effect. A visual effect on an electronic sign which depicts movement, fading, mosaic flips, wipes, or other changing effects associated with the transition from one static message to another.

    Freestanding sign. Any sign, which is physically independent from any building or other structure and is entirely supported by structures that are permanently at or below ground level. May be double faced or v-shaped as allowed by this article.

    Frontage, building. The length of an outside building wall facing a street.

    Frontage, street. The length of the property line of any one parcel along a street on which it borders.

    Historic sign. Any animated neon sign over 30 years old, any existing barber pole or any other sign so designated by the historic preservation commission. Extensions, additions and embellishments are not considered part of a historic sign.

    Identification sign. A sign depicting the address where the sign is located.

    Illuminated sign. A sign lighted by artificial sources on the inside of the sign or external lights directed towards the sign.

    Information sign. A temporary sign erected to provide information to people passing the property in a vehicle or on foot.

    Kiosk sign. A free-standing and multiple sided structure owned by the county and located in public rights-of-way.

    Mansard sign. Any sign attached to or erected within 12 inches of an actual or simulated mansard of a building, with the sign face parallel to and within the limits of the building, not deemed to be a roof sign.

    Monument style. A style of freestanding sign that has a solid-appearing base with no open space between the ground and the sign for the entire width of the copy area. The monument is constructed of brick, stone, stucco, or a combination thereof that is compatible with primary buildings on the site. The copy area is framed with a minimum of six inches of material consistent with remaining monument. See illustrations below.


    Nonconforming sign (legal). Any advertising device or sign, including billboards, which were legally erected and maintained prior to the adoption or amendment of this ordinance, but which no longer comply.

    Painted wall sign. Any sign that is applied with paint or similar substance on the face of a wall.

    Parcel (lot) (business lot). Any standard lot or parcel of land, the boundaries of which, have been established by a recorded legal instrument and is recognized and intended as a unit for the purpose of transfer of ownership. The said parcel being duly recorded with the clerk of Superior Court, Cherokee County.

    Permanent sign. A sign permanently affixed to a building or the ground.

    Person. Any association, company, corporation, firm, organization, or partnership, singular or plural, of any kind.

    Portable sign. Any sign supported by its own frame or trailer, with or without wheels, that is designed to move from one place to another. Includes A-frames, mobile signs, sandwich boards and trailer signs.

    Principal building. The building with the principal use of the parcel on which it is located. Parcels with multiple principal uses may have multiple principal buildings. However, storage buildings, garages, and other clearly accessory [buildings] are not considered principal buildings.

    Projecting sign. Any sign affixed to and supported by a building or wall, which horizontally extends more than twelve inches beyond the surface of a building or wall.

    Residential district. Includes all land zoned R-80, R-60, R-40, R-30, R-20, R-15, RD-3, RTH, RZL, RA, RM-10, RM-16, and PUD-Residential.

    Roof sign. Any sign erected, constructed, and maintained upon or over the roof of any building and projecting above the roof line.

    Setback. The distance from the property line to the nearest part of the applicable building, structure, or sign, measured perpendicularly to the property line.

    Sidewalk, sandwich or a-frame sign. A sign which is normally in the shape of an 'A' or some variation, which is usually two-sided.

    Sign. Any identification, description, illustration or device, illuminated or non-illuminated, which is visible to the general public or placard designed to advertise, identify, or convey information.

    Sign face. The portion of a sign on which the copy is placed.

    Sign number. For the purpose of determining the number of signs, a sign shall be construed to be a single display surface or device containing elements organized, related and composed, to form a single unit. In cases where material is displayed in a random or unconnected manner or where there is reasonable doubt as to the intended relationship of such components, each component is considered to be a single sign. A projecting sign with both sign faces being less than 42 inches apart shall be construed as a single sign.

    Sign structure. Any construction used or designed to support a sign.

    Snipe sign. A sign of any material that is attached in any way to a utility pole, tree, fence, rock, or any other similar object located on public or private property.

    Street. Any public or private right-of-way for automobile use. This excludes alleyways, parking lots and driveways.

    Street frontage. The width in linear feet of a lot or parcel where it abuts the right-of-way of any public street.

    Temporary sign. A sign constructed of an impermanent material and designed or intended to be displayed for a short period of time.

    Traffic control sign. A standard sign or electronic device for the purpose of directing or regulating traffic and/or pedestrians.

    Under canopy sign. A sign that is suspended from the underside of a canopy (including awnings and marquees), is perpendicular to the wall surface of a building, and whose copy is not clearly visible from a public right-of-way.

    Unlawful sign (illegal sign). Any sign erected without a permit when a permit for the sign was otherwise required by this ordinance or previously adopted ordinance or code. Also, a permitted sign which has not been properly erected in accordance with the permit application and approved sign permit or an otherwise lawful and permitted sign that has become hazardous or a nuisance to the public due to poor maintenance, dilapidation, or abandonment and so declared by the building official.

    V-shaped sign. A structure of two signs in the shape of the letter "V" when viewed from above having their faces oriented in opposite directions at an angle not greater than 90 degrees.

    Wall face. A measurement of area equal to the height of the structure from the ground to the coping or eave of the roof multiplied by the width of the wall associated with an individual business or use. The wall face is to be measured for each wall independently.

    Wall sign. Any sign affixed or attached to a wall of a building in such a way that the wall becomes the supporting structure for the sign, extending no more than 12 inches beyond the wall and which displays only one sign surface.

    Weekend sign. A temporary sign that may be erected and maintained for a limited time as prescribed in section 11.7 of this article.

    Window sign. Any sign placed inside or upon a window, and intended to be seen from the exterior.

(Ord. No. 2015-O-009, Exh. A, 9-15-15; Ord. No. 2016-O-001; Exh. C, 2-2-16)