§ 11.7. Exempt signs.  

Latest version.
  • Except as otherwise provided, the following may be erected without securing a permit. Such exempt signs shall not be considered in determining the allowable number or size of signs per zoning on a lot. However, the signs must comply with all other applicable sections of this article and applicable codes and regulations.


    One plaque for each establishment not to exceed two square feet in area.


    One separate identification sign for each establishment when affixed to a building wall or window and limited to a maximum size of four square feet. The purpose of this sign is to identify the establishment's property number (address), suite or unit number for public safety and /or law enforcement response.


    One (1) informational bulletin board affixed to a building wall. Bulletin boards may not exceed 32 square feet in area.


    Traffic, directional, warning or official notices that otherwise meet the location, size and height requirements of the ordinance.




    Each lot shall be allowed a maximum of three flagpoles with a maximum height of 30 feet each unless a variance is obtained pursuant to the zoning ordinance.


    A maximum of two flags shall be allowed per flagpole not to exceed 40 square feet in area per flag.


    A vertical flagpole must be set back from the property boundaries a distance which is at least equal to the height of the flagpole.


    Flags and flagpoles shall be maintained in good repair, and to the extent applicable shall be in compliance with the building code. Flagpoles with broken halyards shall not be used and flags which are torn or frayed shall not be displayed.


    Integral decorative or architectural features of buildings, except letters, trademarks, moving parts or moving lights.


    A sign per entrance/exit onto the property not exceeding two square feet.


    Temporary signs are subject to the following provisions:


    General provisions:

    Zoning districts: Signs shall be allowed in all zoning districts.

    Property owner permission required: Temporary signs do not require a permit or a permit fee. Such signs shall be located not closer than one foot from any publicly maintained right-of-way or easement, shall not be located in any medians and must have the permission of the property owner(s). In any instance where permission is in doubt, proof of such permission must be presented to the director of the department of planning and land use upon such request.


    Information signs:


    Number: Limited to one sign per parcel of property.

    Size and height: In commercial and industrial zoning districts, the maximum area per sign face shall be 32 square feet and a maximum height of eight feet. The maximum area of the sign in all other districts shall be four square feet and the maximum height shall be eight feet. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, each parcel of three acres or greater in agriculture and residential zoning districts is allowed one freestanding sign limited to 32 square feet with a maximum height of eight feet. Such signs may be double-faced; shall not be affixed in any manner to trees, natural objects, street light poles, utility poles, other signs or other sign structures.

    Time limit: All informational signs shall be removed within 30 days of sign being erected.

    Other provisions: Brochures/information boxes may be allowed with a maximum of one brochure/information box per parcel of land. Banners may be used as information signs as long as all requirements of this subsection are met.


    Notwithstanding subsection (b)(1) above, additional information signs shall be permitted as described herein:

    Number: Limited to 15 per parcel of property.

    Time allowed: Shall be allowed during the period beginning 60 days preceding: 1) the date of qualification of candidates for public office or 2) the date of legislative action calling for a referendum election or ballot question (the "commencement date") until 30 days after the date of the final determination of an election to which such commencement date applies. The responsibility to remove all such signs is on the sign placer. The description of the time period during which such additional information signs may be erected and maintained shall not be construed as a limitation on the content of such signs.

    Size, height and materials: Shall not exceed the sign area per face as described below for the property's zoning district and eight feet in height. Such signs may be double-faced; shall not be affixed in any manner to trees, natural objects, street light poles, utility poles, other signs or other sign structures; and shall be made of metal, plastic, laminated cardboard or some other durable and waterproof material. No sign shall be made of paper.

    The following sign areas per zoning district shall apply:


    In commercial and industrial zoning districts: may be up to 32 square feet.


    In agricultural zoning district: may be up to 32 square feet.


    In any residential zoning district (including PUD and TND): may be up to 16 square feet.


    Weekend signs:

    Number: Limited to one sign per parcel of property.

    Size, height & materials: Weekend signs shall not exceed four square feet and three feet in height and may be double-faced. Signs shall be mounted on an independent single or double pole device. Signs shall not be affixed in any manner to trees, natural objects, street light poles, utility poles, other signs or other sign structures. Signs shall be made of metal, plastic, laminated cardboard or some other durable and waterproof material. No sign shall be made of paper.

    Time allowed: Signs shall be allowed from 3:00 p.m. on Friday to 7:00 a.m. on Monday. The responsibility to remove all signs prior to 7:00 a.m. Monday is of the sign placer.


    Works of art.


    Historic signs. (see definition)


    Signs on public transportation vehicles.


    Signs painted on or otherwise attached to motor vehicles which are not conspicuously parked in proximity to a right-of-way, and obviously not parked in such a way as to advertise any business or service to motorists or pedestrians.


    Holiday decorations, including lights, temporary flags for decorative purposes, and other decorations.

(Ord. No. 2015-O-009, Exh. A, 9-15-15; Ord. No. 2016-O-001; Exh. C, 2-2-16)