§ 13.3. Continuance of nonconforming uses.  

Latest version.
  • The lawful use of any building, structures, land or sign existing at the time of the enactment or amendment of this ordinance may be continued, even through such use does not conform with the provisions of this ordinance, except that the nonconforming use shall not be:

    13.3-1 Changed or extended so as to increase the portion of the property covered by the nonconforming building, structure, or sign on which the nonconforming use occurs.

    13.3-2 Extended to occupy a greater area of a building or structure unless such additional area of the building or structure existed at the time of the enactment or amendment of this ordinance and was clearly designed to house the same use as the nonconforming use occupying the other portion of the building or structure.

    13.3-3 Reestablished after discontinuance for two years unless otherwise approved by the board of commissioners or holds a current Cherokee County Business License.

    13.3-4 Changed to another nonconforming use.

(Ord. No. 2008-Z-002, § 4, 9-16-08)