§ 15.13. Public hearing.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Notice of hearing shall be given. Before making its decision on an appeal, request for a variance, or any other matter within the board's purview, the board shall hold a public hearing thereon. At least 15 days but not more than 45 days before the public hearing, notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be sent to the applicant and/or owner, as well as adjacent property owners, by U.S. mail to the address contained in the tax assessor's records. Such notice shall contain the name of the applicant or petitioner, the date, time and place set for the hearing, and a brief statement of the nature of the hearing. (See Ord. No. 2008-Z-002, 09-16-08)


    Public notice in newspaper. The board shall give public notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in Cherokee County at least 15 days, but not more than 45 days, prior to the date of the public hearing.


    Public notice by posting. When the board is considering a request for a variance, the notice of the date, time, place and nature of the board's hearings shall also be afforded by the erection of a sign in a conspicuous place on the subject property. The sign shall be erected at least 15 days prior to the date of the board's hearing.


    Who may appear. Any party may appear at the public hearing in person or by agent or attorney.


    Time limit on board's decision. The board shall reach a decision following a public hearing within 31 days, unless postponement of same is agreeable to both the applicant and the board. The decision of the board shall be made by public vote and shall not be final until the minutes of the board meeting have been duly adopted and approved by the board.

(Ord. No. 2009-Z-002, 10-6-09)