§ 25.3. Light trespass.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    All luminaires, except street lighting and those used on one-or two-family dwellings, shall be located, designed, fitted, aimed, shielded, installed, and maintained to limit illumination only to the target and to minimize light trespass. The designed illuminance for pavement or ground shall be provided by a luminaire installed closer than four times the luminaire height. Directional luminaires such as floodlights, wall pack lights, and spotlights shall be aimed so that the center of the beam is not more than 62 degrees above nadir. Directional luminaires shall be shielded as needed for minimizing misdirected light.


    Vertical illumination from luminaires on any single property shall not exceed 0.1 footcandles at a height of three feet at a property line of a residential zoning district or a nature-preserve type park; and shall not exceed 0.5 footcandles at a property line of other types of property, except where a greater illumination at the property line is due to luminaires on that property.

(Ord. No. 2001-009, § 3, 7-10-01)