§ 25.6. Restrictions of various outdoor lighting applications.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Parking areas.


    All luminaires shall be the full cutoff type, except for large areas, such as those used primarily for the parking of trucks or buses, where luminaire supports inside the areas would restrict the function or compromise safety. Shielded floodlights shall be used for these areas. The height of the luminaires shall be not greater than 35 feet, except for large areas in outdoor recreational facilities.


    Examples of levels of activity for outdoor parking uses are described as follows:


    High level of activity.

    Regional shopping centers containing retail space of 300,000 square feet or greater

    Fast food facilities with customer seating of 40 or greater

    Entertainment theaters, assembly, sports arenas

    Major cultural or civic events

    Major league athletic events

    Truck or bus parking

    Automatic teller machines

    Fueling stations, except drive-under canopies and pump islands

    Automotive dealerships


    Medium level of activity.

    Community shopping centers containing retail space of 5,000 to 299,999 square feet

    Cultural, civic or recreational events

    Office parks

    Hotels and motels

    Hospital parking

    Transportation parking (airports, commuter lots, etc.)

    Residential complex parking


    Low level of activity.

    Neighborhood shopping centers containing retail space of less than 5,000 square feet

    Industrial employee parking

    Restaurants other than fast food

    Educational facility parking

    Parking at houses of religious assembly

    All other levels of activity than high and medium


    The maximum allowable maintained horizontal illuminance values on pavement are indicated for the applicable level of activity. The maximum allowable uniformity ratios are indicated.


    Level of activity: general parking, bikeways and pedestrian traffic.

    Minimum Footcandles Uniformity Ratio
    (Average to minimum)
    HIGH 0.9 4:1
    MEDIUM 0.6 4:1
    LOW 0.2 4:1



    Level of activity: vehicle use area only.

    Average Footcandles Uniformity Ratio
    (Average to minimum)
    HIGH 2.0 3:1
    MEDIUM 1.0 3:1
    LOW 0.5 4:1



    Outdoor advertising signs and other signs.


    Any externally illuminated outdoor advertising sign erected subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance shall be illuminated from the top. Vertical illuminance shall not exceed 55 footcandles.


    In the event that any sign is rendered nonfunctional by damage, the lighting shall be made to conform to this ordinance when the function of the sign is restored.


    The source of light for signs shall be effectively shielded from adjacent residential properties and streets. Illumination shall not exceed 0.5 footcandles measured in a vertical plane above a height of five feet at a residential property line or right-of-way.


    Flashing, blinking, rotating, or moving objects on signs, caused by either electrically powered illumination or solar reflection, within a distance of 150 feet of a street, are prohibited.


    Roadway lighting and street lights.


    Illumination levels shall comply with the county street light ordinance.


    All luminaires except those within residential areas shall be the full cutoff type.


    For period or historical type luminaires, only the cutoff and semi-cutoff types are allowed.


    Drive-under canopies and pump islands at fueling stations. In order to limit adaptation problems of the eyes of drivers while leaving a bright area and entering a dark area, the average horizontal illuminance on the pavement shall not exceed five footcandles under a canopy where all adjacent roadways have no street lights, and shall not exceed ten footcandles under a canopy where an adjacent roadway has street lights. The luminaire shall be recessed into the canopy ceiling so that the bottom of the luminaire does not extend below the ceiling.


    Outdoor recreational facilities. Illumination shall be provided by full cutoff luminaires, except for large areas, where luminaire supports inside the areas would restrict the function or compromise safety. Examples of such large areas include, but are not limited to, baseball, softball, soccer, football, and golf driving ranges. Shielded floodlights shall be used for these areas. Smaller areas, including tennis, volleyball, racquetball and handball courts, and swimming pools shall utilize full cutoff luminaires and shall conform to the requirements of this ordinance regarding light trespass. The average illuminance on ground shall not exceed 50 footcandles.


    Construction, manufacturing, repair, loading and unloading platforms, and active storage yards. Illumination for these facilities shall be provided by full cutoff luminaires, except for particularly large areas, such as a trucking terminal for which luminaire supports would restrict the function or compromise safety. Shielded floodlights shall be used in these areas. The average illuminance on pavement or ground shall not exceed ten footcandles.


    Outdoor display lots and car dealerships. Any light source permitted by this ordinance may be used for lighting of outdoor display lots such as, but not limited to, automobile sales or rental, recreational vehicle sales, or building material sales. Illumination shall be provided by full cutoff luminaires. The maximum allowable illuminance values on pavement for car dealerships are listed in the following table.

    Table of Illuminance Levels and Uniformities for Car Dealerships

    Area Maximum Illuminance on Pavement (footcandles) Maximum to Minimum Ratio
    Main Business Districts (major corridors)
    Front row (adjacent to roadway), and feature 20 5:1
    Other rows 10 10:1
    Entrances 10 5:1
    Driveways 3 10:1
    Secondary Business Districts (or activity centers)
    Front row (adjacent to roadway), and feature 10 5:1
    Other rows 5 10:1
    Entrances 5 5:1
    Driveways 2 10:1



    Landscape, decorative, and architectural lighting.


    Luminaires used to illuminate flags, statues, steeples, monuments, and other tall narrow objects shall be illuminated with the type of luminaire that directs the narrowest beam capable of illuminating the object. Illuminance at the level of the illuminated object shall not exceed ten footcandles.


    Lighting on buildings for aesthetic purposes shall be directed downward from the top. Exception: selected portions of a building may be illuminated from below, if the portions illuminated total less than half of the vertical face. The average illuminance shall not exceed ten footcandles.


    All outside illumination of any building and/or surrounding landscape, public or private, for esthetic, architectural, or decorative purposes is prohibited after 11:00 p.m. or when the business closes, whichever is later.


    Security lighting and time restrictions.


    Full cutoff luminaires shall be used for all security lighting and dusk-to-dawn area lighting.


    The maximum level of illumination on areas used for outdoor sales and display, eating, parking, assembly, service, storage of equipment and freight, loading and unloading, repair, maintenance, commercial activities, and industrial activities shall not continue after 11:00 p.m., nor more than one hour after active use of the area ceases, if later.


    The number of luminaires remaining on for security lighting shall not exceed one fourth the total number of each type of luminaire used for the maximum level of illumination; after dividing the total number by four, any remainder is counted as a whole number.


    No outdoor recreational facility shall be illuminated after 11:00 p.m. except to conclude a scheduled recreational or sporting event in progress prior to 11:00 p.m. The luminaires shall be extinguished after outdoor recreational events are completed and the site has been vacated.


    Automatic timing devices that control the hours of illumination may remain on eastern standard time throughout the year.


    Tower lighting. White strobe lights shall not be operated on towers later than one hour after sunset nor prior to one hour before sunrise, except in conditions required by the Federal Aviation Administration. Red lights shall be used on towers only where required by the Federal Aviation Administration.

(Ord. No. 2001-009, § 6, 7-10-01)