§ 25.9. Permits and development plan reviews.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    This ordinance section shall be implemented as a condition of approving development projects.


    Whenever a person is required to obtain a building or electrical permit for outdoor lighting or signage, subdivision approval, or approval of any residential, commercial, industrial, mixed use subdivision plan, or any land development plan approval by the county, including all county projects, the applicant shall, as a part of said application, submit sufficient information to enable the community development director to determine whether the proposed outdoor lighting will comply with this ordinance. Submission of plans and evidence of compliance shall include the following:


    A site plan indicating the layout of proposed luminaire locations.


    An impact statement demonstrating that the proper steps have been taken to ensure no negative impact upon the community and its residents. This statement shall include a plan showing the location and use of adjacent properties.


    Manufacturer's catalog cuts that provide a description of the luminaires, including wattage, lumen output, glare reduction/control devices, lamps, on-off cycle control devices, and mounting devices.


    Mounting heights and aiming angles with photometric data showing the angle of cut-off of light emissions for the proposed luminaires.


    Maintained horizontal illuminance shown as footcandles, after depreciation.






    Average, during operating and nonoperating hours.


    Maximum to minimum uniformity ratio.


    Average to minimum uniformity ratio.


    In areas where more than half of the maximum allowable illumination footcandle values listed in this ordinance are applied for: a photometric grid, showing footcandle readings every ten feet and the average footcandles, that demonstrates adequate illumination intensity and uniformity at ground level; and footcandle values measured three feet above ground level along the boundaries of the site where adjacent to a residential zoning district and a nature-preserve type park.


    Supporting documentation when using recommendations by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, a professional engineer, a professional architect, or other authority on outdoor lighting.


    Such other information as the community development director may determine is necessary to ensure compliance with this ordinance.


    If the community development director determines that the proposed lighting does not comply with this ordinance, the permit shall not be issued or the plan approved.


    For the approval of any multi-story building having over 25 percent exterior glass, submit documents showing that reflected sunlight at all times of the day and on all days of the year will be minimized in the directions that will cause glare on public roads.

(Ord. No. 2001-009, § 9, 7-10-01)