§ 27.12. Tree replacement standards.  

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  • 12-1

    General. Species selected for replacement must be quality species, and must be ecologically compatible with the intended site. See Appendix D for list of recommended species. Deviations from the Recommended Tree Planting List are acceptable for use in meeting density requirements only with prior approval from the County Arborist.


    Minimum Planting Area. In order to provide sufficient growing area for planted trees, the following minimum criteria must be observed unless otherwise approved by the County Arborist:

    Overstory Trees: 450-sq. ft.
    Understory Trees: 200-sq. ft.
    Planting strips: (refer to Article 7.5-3 of the Cherokee County Zoning Ordinance titled, General Site Development Design Regulations for Commercial and Industrial Districts)



    Invasive Plants. Invasive plant species as shown on the Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council (EPPC) Invasive Plant List shall be prohibited.

(Ord. No. 2008-Z-001, § 12, 1-15-08; Ord. No. 2018-O-009, § 2, 9-18-18)