§ 7.1. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • 7.1-1 General agricultural district (AG). The purpose of this district is to maintain the integrity of agricultural activities predominate in the rural area of Cherokee County. Within the district, the subdivision of land for suburban development is discouraged, while agriculture and livestock production are strongly encouraged in order to maintain the rural character of these areas. On-site sales should be limited to live animals, plants, and produce that have been raised or produced on the property, unless this Ordinance specifically provides for limited related commercial activities for particular uses.

    7.1-2  Estate residential district (R-80, R-60). The purpose of this district is to permit residential development in those areas that are expected to become more nearly urban in character. The areas involved are generally in transition from agricultural to residential development and are considered appropriate for low density residential development. Limited agricultural uses, such as crop production and animal husbandry, on tracts of five acres or more are also compatible with this district.

    7.1-3  Single-family residential districts (R-40, R-30). The purpose of these residential districts is to enable residential development of a low density urban character. The regulations are designed to permit and encourage residential development in areas where urbanization is taking place. Limited agricultural uses, such as crop production and animal husbandry, on tracts of five acres or more are also compatible with this district.

    7.1-4  Single-family residential districts (R-20). The purpose of this residential district is to permit and encourage development of medium density single-family residential uses in a moderately spacious surrounding. The R-20 development district shall be served with an approved community water system.

    7.1-4.A  Single-family residential district (R-15). The purpose of these residential districts is to permit and encourage development of high density single-family residential uses in a moderately spacious surrounding. The R-15 development district shall be served with an approved community water system and a central sewerage system.

    7.1-5  Zero-lot-line residential district (RZL). The purpose of the district is to provide affordable housing by encouraging development of moderate to high density single-family detached residential dwellings. The idea of zero-lot-line is to promote better use of space within a smaller lot by permitting the construction of houses on lots without a sideyard requirement on one side of the lot. Innovative design of cluster housing with garden homes or patio homes are encouraged. Such development districts are intended to be served with central sewerage system.

    7.1-6  Single-family attached residential districts (RA, RTH). The purpose of this district is to provide for intermediate housing types and densities between single-family detached and multifamily dwellings. Such development may include duplexes, triplexes, quadraplexes or townhouses to be located in the urban portion or suburban portion of the county where apartment buildings would not be compatible. Innovative design with cluster development is encouraged. Such development districts are intended to be served with central sewerage system except for lot sizes exceeding 20,000 square feet.

    7.1-7  Multifamily residential district (RM-10, RM-16). The purpose of the residential districts is to permit development of high density multifamily residential dwellings. These zoning districts are to be located where public water supply and sewerage facilities are available or can be obtained and where there is convenient access to collector streets or major thoroughfares. The use of these districts can be developed as a transition zones between residential districts and commercial districts.

    7.1-8  Planned unit development district (PUD). Planned unit development is a floating district which may be located within any residential district if it meets all the standards for a planned unit development. The purpose of this district is to encourage flexible and innovative design in site planning and building arrangements under a unified plan of development regulation instead of standard zoning regulation. Planned unit developments shall be planned as integral units and may be residential, commercial or a combination of land uses. The developer benefits from better land utilization, economy in the provision of roads and utilities, and flexibility in design. The community benefits from efficient use of land, preservation of natural amenities and environmental sensitive areas, and lower development and housing costs. Review and approval of the development plan provides the opportunity to assure that the development will be in harmony with the character of the neighborhood in which it is located.

    7.1-9  Office/institutional district (OI). The purpose of this district is to provide a location for office, institutional, medical and educational development. Limited related retail business and service activities may be permitted but not involved with storage and processing.

    7.1-10 Corporate park district (CP). The purpose of this district is to provide for suitable areas for developments that are primarily for offices for businesses, professional services, and sales activities with a limited amount of retail uses within master-planned developments or parks. This district should be accessible to an arterial. An overall concept plan is required within this zoning district in order to guide each development.

    7.1-11  Neighborhood commercial district (NC). The purpose of this district is to provide for limited retail activities, commercial sales, personal services and professional offices to serve the general need of a residential neighborhood. Development of commercial uses is regulated for compatibility with the surrounding residential areas. Districts are located to create commercial centers or clusters and to discourage commercial strip development. The maximum allowed floor space of all buildings on an NC site shall be 10,000 square feet per acre of total building floor space.

    7.1-12  General commercial district (GC). The purpose of this district is to provide sufficient space in appropriate locations for a wide variety of commercial sales and service activities which generally serve a wide area. The permitted uses are generally located along the major thoroughfares of the county. Activities with limited storage may be permitted. Districts are located to create centers or concentrations of commercial activities and to discourage commercial strip development.

    7.1-13  Light industrial district (LI). The purpose of this district is to provide suitable areas for industrial development but whose proximity to residential or commercial districts makes it desirable to limit the intensity of industrial operations and processes. This district limits industrial, manufacturing and warehousing uses to those which are wholly conducted indoors, with the exception of limited amounts of outdoor storage which shall be screened and situated in a side or rear yard. The district should be accessible to a major arterial or state highway. Permitted uses are restricted to those which are not characterized by smoke, dust, fumes, gas, heat, glare, fire hazards, noise, vibrations and other nuisances.

    7.1-14  Heavy industrial district (HI). The purpose of this district is to provide suitable areas for industrial operations and processes conducted both indoors and outdoors. Due to the intensity of these uses, the district should be located on or have ready access to a major arterial or state highway and separated from residential areas by significant natural barriers and/or buffers.

    (Ord. No. 98-O-19, § 1, 10-23-98; Ord. No. 2006-Z-006, 6-6-06; Ord. No. 2011-Z-001, 3-1-11; Ord. No. 2018-O-003, 4-3-18)

    Table 7.1. Minimum District Development Standards

    Zone District
    Go To
    Lot Area
    Minimum Setback Required
    Front Yard Side
    Art. Col. Loc.
    AG General agricultural 2—5 acres 0.2 150′ 20% 75′ 50′ 50′ 50′ 50′
    R-80 Estate residential 80,000 sf 0.5 120′ 25% 65′ 50′ 35′ 50′ 50′
    R-60 Single-family residential 60,000 sf 0.75 110′ 27% 50′ 50′ 35′ 40′ 40′
    R-40 Single-family 40,000 sf 1 100′ 30% 50′ 50′ 35′ 15′ 30′
    R-30 Single-family 30,000 sf 1.5 100′ 30% 50′ 50′ 35′ 15′ 30′
    R-20 Single-family 20,000 sf 2  90′ 30% 50′ 40′ 30′ 10′ 30′
    R-15 Single-family 7.4-1 15,000 sf 3  80′ 35% 50′ 40′ 25′ 10′ 30′
    RZL Zero-lot-line 7.4-2 5 acres  3,800 sf 6  36′ 50% 35′ 20′ 10′ 25′ 10%
    RA Single-family attached 7.4-3
     Duplex w/sewer 2 acres 16,000 sf 5 100′ 35% 50′ 50′ 35′ 15′ 30′
      w/septic 2 acres 20,000 sf 4 100′ 35% 50′ 50′ 35′ 15′ 30′
     Triplex 2 acres 22,000 sf 6 100′ 40% 50′ 50′ 35′ 15′ 30′
     Quadruplex 2 acres 24,000 sf 8 100′ 40% 50′ 50′ 35′ 15′ 30′
    RTH Townhouse 7.4-4 3 acres  5,000 sf 8  40′ 60% 40′ 20′ 15′ 30′ 10%
    RM-10 Multifamily 7.4-5 2 acres 2 acres 10 100′ 35% 50′ 40′ 20′ 10′ 25′
    RM-16 Multifamily 7.4-5 2 acres 20 acres 16 100′ 35% 50′ 40′ 20′ 10′ 25′
    TND TND 8.5 and
    20 acres 6 20%
    OI Office/institutional 7.4-6 0.5 acres 100′ 50′ 50′ 50′ 10′ 15′
    NC Neighborhood commercial 7.4-8 0.5 acres 100′ 50′ 50′ 50′ 15′ 15′
    GC General commercial 7.4-9 0.5 acres 100′ 75′ 50′ 50′ 10′ 15′
    HC Highway commercial 0.5 acres 100′ 75′ 50′ 10′ 15′
    OD Office distribution 5 acres 200′ 75′ 50′ 50′ 20′ 15′
    LI Light industrial 7.4-10 1 acre 100′ 50′ 50′ 50′ 25′ 25′
    HI Heavy industrial 7.4-11 1 acre 150′ 75′ 75′ 50′ 25′ 25′
    PID Planned industrial
    10 acres 200′ 75′ 75′ 50′ 50′ 25′


    Existing two-lane arterial and collector roads required a 65-foot setback limit. (See article 5, section 5.9-2.)

    Existing four-lane interstate and arterial roads require a 50-foot setback limit. (See article 5, section 5.9-2.)

    Note: See Article 8—Traditional Neighborhood Development for TND development requirements.

(Ord. No. 98-O-19, § 2, 10-23-98; Ord. No. 2007-Z-002, 8-7-07; Ord. No. 2018-O-012, § 1, 10-16-18)