§ 8.6. Density calculations.  

Latest version.
  • 8.6.1 The developable areas of the site shall be considered the net site area. The net site area shall be allocated to the various neighborhood zones according to the parameters specified in Table 14-a.

    8.6.2 The overall density shall be calculated in terms of building units as specified for the area of each neighborhood zone by Table 14-b. For purposes of density calculation, the neighborhood zone areas include the thoroughfares but not land allocated to civic function.

    8.6.3 The percent of the building units shown on Table 14-b shall be exchanged for other functions at the following rates:


    For lodging: Two bedrooms for each unit of overall density.


    For office or retail: 1,500 square feet for each unit of overall density.


    The number of units exchanged shall be approved by warrant.

    8.6.4 The residential and other functions for each neighborhood zone shall be further adjusted at the building scale according to sections 8.10, 8.11 and 8.12.

(Ord. No. 2006-Z-004, 5-2-06)