§ 8.8. Civic functions.  

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  • 8.8.1



    Places for public use shall be required for each community and designated on the neighborhood plans as civic space (CS) and civic building (CB).


    Civic spaces are public sites permanently dedicated to open space.


    Civic buildings are sites dedicated for buildings generally operated by not-for-profit organizations dedicated to culture, education, government, transit and municipal parking, or for a use approved by the Cherokee County Board of Commissioners.


    Civic space.


    Each pedestrian shed shall assign at least five percent of its developed area to civic space.


    Civic spaces shall be designed as generally described in Table 13 and approved by the board of commissioners and allocated to neighborhood zones as described in Table 14-e.


    Each pedestrian shed shall contain at least one main civic space. The main civic space shall be within 800 feet of the geographic center of each pedestrian shed, unless topographic conditions, pre-existing thoroughfare alignments or other circumstances warrant it.


    Within 800 feet of every lot in residential use, a civic space designed and equipped as a playground shall be provided, unless otherwise warranted.


    Each civic space shall have a minimum of 50 percent of its perimeter fronting a thoroughfare.


    Parks may be permitted in neighborhood general and neighborhood center zones by warrant (Table 14-e).


    Civic buildings.


    The developer shall covenant to construct a meeting hall or other such community building in proximity to the main civic space of each pedestrian shed.


    One civic building lot may be reserved for an elementary school. Its area shall be one acre for each increment of 100 dwelling units provided by the community plan. The school site may be within any neighborhood zone.


    One civic building lot suitable for a childcare building should be reserved within each pedestrian shed.


    Civic building sites shall not occupy more than 20 percent of the area of each pedestrian shed.


    Civic building sites should be located within or adjacent to civic spaces, or at the axial termination of significant thoroughfares.


    Civic buildings shall not be subject to the standards of sections 8.10, 8.11 and 8.12. The particulars of their design shall be determined by variance.


    Parking for civic buildings shall be adjusted by warrant. Civic parking lots may remain unpaved if graded, compacted and landscaped, as recommended and approved by the engineering department.

(Ord. No. 2006-Z-004, 5-2-06)