§ 8.7. Streetscape requirements.  

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  • 8.7.1



    The thoroughfares are intended for use by vehicular and pedestrian traffic and to provide access to lots and open spaces.


    The thoroughfares consist of vehicular lanes and public frontages (Table 16-a). The lanes provide the traffic and parking capacity. They consist of vehicular lanes in a variety of widths for parked and for moving vehicles. The frontages contribute to the character of the neighborhood zone. They include the types of sidewalk, curbing, planter, and street tree.


    Thoroughfares should be designed in context with the appropriate development form and desired design speed of the neighborhood zones through which they pass. Thoroughfares that pass from one neighborhood zone to another shall adjust their public frontages accordingly or, alternatively, the neighborhood zone may follow the alignment of the thoroughfare to the depth of one lot, retaining a single public frontage throughout its trajectory.


    Within the neighborhood general and neighborhood center zones pedestrian comfort shall be a primary consideration of the thoroughfare. Design conflict between vehicular and pedestrian movement shall be decided in favor of the pedestrian.




    The standards for vehicular lanes shall be as shown in Table 3, 4, and 5.


    The thoroughfare network shall be designed to define blocks not exceeding the size prescribed in Table 14-c. The size shall be measured as the sum of lot frontage lines.


    All thoroughfares shall terminate at other thoroughfares, forming a network. Internal thoroughfares shall connect wherever possible to those on adjacent sites. Cul-de-sacs shall be permitted only when warranted by natural site conditions.


    Lots shall front a vehicular thoroughfare, except that 20 percent of the lots within each neighborhood zone may front a pedestrian passage.


    Thoroughfares along a designated secondary grid (subsection 8.9.1a) may be exempted from the specified frontage requirements.


    A bicycle network consisting of trails, routes and lanes should be provided throughout as defined in section 8.20 Glossary and allocated in Table 14-d. A community bicycle network should be connected to existing or proposed networks wherever possible.


    Public frontages.


    Public frontages shall be designed as shown in Table 5A and 5B and allocated within neighborhood zones as specified in Table 14-d.


    Within the public frontages, the prescribed type of street trees and street lights shall be as shown in Tables 4, 5 and 6. The spacing may be adjusted by warrant to accommodate specific site conditions.

(Ord. No. 2006-Z-004, 5-2-06)